August 22, 2022By chris.lemasters@positivegrid.com BigCommerce 0 Comment
Listen, we know lugging heavy gear around from gig to get can get boring FAST. Whether you’re loading yourself in, or you’ve got crew taking care of it, it’s still a pain.
Those are some of the very first thoughts that trigged a development process that’d eventually lead to what we now know as: the BIAS MINI. We were sick of redundant, clunky, overweight pieces of gear that - honestly - were typically one trick ponies. Don’t get us wrong, we LOVE tube amps. Hell, that’s what got us here! There’s something beautiful, and nostalgic about busting out that vintage tube guitar amplifier and just lettin’ ‘er rip. That said, we really wanted that same tube amp tone/feel in a smaller package that was far easier to manage, transport and gave us more tonal options than ever before. Enter the BIAS MINI. Coming in at just over 5lbs, the MINI is about the size of a hard cover book and let us tell ya, it packs a hefty 300w punch. The best part? You can quite literally toss it in your backpack, or gig bag, and you’re set. Just plug your guitar in, send a line to FOH w/one of our Positive Grid speaker sims OR some of the killer custom Celestion IR’s that we’ve made available in our online store, and you’re off to the races.
What happened when we brought the MINI to our artists? Well, they were floored (Reece was no exception). The MINI meant a whole new level of simplicity and portability when it came to fly rigs - so much versatility and power jammed into such a tiny box meant they could toss their entire rig in their carry-on without worrying about bringing a heavier rack setup, and any road dog knows exactly what that means: no more sweaty cross-airport marathons when you’re tryin’ to catch that gate.
Join us as we catch up with PG artist Reece Scruggs of HAVOK mid-tour to find out more about why the BIAS Rack amplifier, and the brand new BIAS MINI, have become his go-to guitar rigs. Whether you're looking for versatility, tone, portability, or all of the above - we've got you covered.