How To Connect Your Guitar To Your Computer/Daw?

How To Connect Your Guitar To Your Computer/Daw?

August 22, 2022By BigCommerce 0 Comment

How to connect your guitar to your computer

BIAS FX 2 | Tutorial | 11.27.2019

One of the first big questions players have when diving into home recording is “How do I connect my guitar to my computer!?”. Well, lucky for you we’ve broken it down into this how-to blog, so let’s jump in!

The first thing you’ll need is an interface. An interface acts as a hub/buffer between your guitar and your computer, allowing you to connect your ¼” instrument cable to your laptop or desktop. Interfaces come in a wide variety of shapes, form factors, sizes and price points, but we recommend keeping things simple! Some of our favorite (and most widely used) entry level/intermediate interfaces are the Focusrite 2i2, or the ultra-portable Apogee Jam+! Text

From there, it’s as simple as connecting to your computer via USB, loading up your DAW + favorite plugin - we recommend BIAS FX 2 or BIAS AMP 2 (wink wink) - and you’re off to the races! You may need to adjust things like sample rate, input/channel #, etc based on which interface or DAW you’ve purchased, but don’t fret: Those instructions will come as part of the package and rarely require any guess-work.Text

We hope this blog came in handy, and we can’t wait to hear the killer tunes you come up with!

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